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I Checked One Off The List....


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Ok, I'm sure you all know the feeling, when you can check off a toy from your "grail list". For me, I'm lucky if I just spot one, let alone actually own one. However today is the day, my Ranger Steel Products Sparkling Space Gun has arrived. At first I wasn't sure, I get a lot of toys by mail, but I knew it was coming. When I opened the box, my hands were shaking, it was amazing! Aside from the flat-out rarity of the gun, I was immediately struck by how massive it was, at 10 inches long and 4 inches tall, this pistol is huge. The 1950's design is right out of a Buck Rogers serial...however, as spacey as it is, the more I looked at it, the more it actually resembles Nemo's Nautilus. Either way, it is an absolutely exquisite toy. You just can't put it down.



Additionally, as a bonus, I also received a Leizer 2000, made in the 1970's by the Greek toy company Biotsiot. It's a sleek 13 inches long and has nice clean lines. It's an attractive design.


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Congratulations! I was wondering who won that Ranger Steel gun -- glad it went to a friend. You're right, it's terribly rare -- I've only seen one other for sale, and that was at least a few years ago.

I'll admit, I debated bidding on it... I can *that close* to throwing down some money, but decided I'd already spent too much this month. It's good to see you got it.

Of course, now that you've posted some nice photos of the toy, I'm sort of kicking myself... ;)

Congrats again! GREAT score!

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Thanks Doc, it truly was a hard fought battle. However, you still have many guns which are on my "list" that I have yet to check off...one down 20 more to go, so many guns, so little money. :(

Here's a few more shots from other angles.




Like it's brother the Cosmic Ray Gun, it is designed to have a replaceable flint. This would be accessed from the front yellow fin. Unfortunately, on this gun the hatch has glue that leaked into the hinge pins, and no longer opens. At least, I'm not going to try to open it. :unsure:

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Nice pick up. I've only seen pictures of this gun. It is really whimsical. It looks like a space ship and a ray gun!

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Congrats tinplate. The styling pops a lot more in your photos than in the ebay pic. Nice score!!

For some reason this gun reminds me of The Beatles' Yellow Submarine.

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