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Space Patrol Rocket Gun


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I know there aren't too many ray gun collectors on this board, but I figured a few of you might still find this interesting.

This yellow and silver version of the Space Patrol Rocket Gun is one of three prototypes in this color combination known to exist. The toy regularly appears in either a black with red details or, more striking, red with black details. Both have white printing on the raised Space Patrol logos. They fire spring-loaded darts that are designed to carry small messages in compartments located just behind the suction cup heads. (Though my prototype didn't come with any darts, or packaging...)

I purchased this gun via ebay -- using buy-it-now -- from one of the foremost collectors and experts on all things Space Patrol. The toy is, without a shadow of a doubt, legit as legit can be. Its provenance can be traced back to an executive at U.S. Plastics; his widow gave the guns to the collector. He kept one for himself (of course), gave one to a fellow collector friend, and then placed the last on ebay, whereupon it ended up in my eager little hands.

Needless to say, I'm one happy ray gun collector! ;)


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Beauty! Great story too. It occurs to me what a great equalizer "buy it now" auctions can be, particularly in cases like this. I just love the fact that such a rare and desirable collector’s item was made available "first come first serve" so to speak. Who knows how much certain collectors would have paid for this piece had the auction gone to the highest bidder? It's great to see the prize go to the most diligent rather than the person with the deepest pockets for once!! Congratulations Doc. ;)

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Great find Brian.


Am I correct in assuming that this is a prototype from the US TV series? If so WOW! Space Patrol is such a generic name amongst 'ray gun collectors'. There was also German and Japanese versions and a different UK TV series.

Santa brought me a great condition Hubley Atomic Disintegrator! These really are heavy beasts.

Best Wishes to Alphadromers for 2006.


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:) Dratomic, -you grabber!!!! Congratulations, that is really a dream in the yellow prototype color.

I am a new collector of ray guns now myself, I got a Daisy Buck Rogers pop gun for Christmas. -L7

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Highwheel Kicker -- Yep, Space Patrol was a U.S. television series (and radio show, too). This toy was made by U.S. Plastics, and then the molds were sold to Merrit, who produced a silver Dan Dare version of the toy. My picture sort of stinks, so you can't really see the embossed Space Patrol logo on the side of the handle.

Larry -- Very nice... Which did you get? It's funny, for all my space guns, I've only got two Buck Rogers pistols, the U235 Atomic Pistol (which was the last one produced; they used the old molds from the Disintegrator), and the XZ44 Liquid Helium gun (which came out, I believe, 4th, in the late Thirties). One of these days, I'll really have to get the others -- they're fantastic!

Toyboy -- Yeah... I figured you'd like this one. ;)

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:) Hi Dratomic, I picked up a 25th century Daisy space gun ebay #6022655605, eighty one dollars and ship., not too bad at all, I oiled it and it works great, I will not try to improve the finish, ie. replate the bright parts or anything like that. It looks groovy enough as is. Works great, the pop is loud enough to scare Beatrice the poodle into the next room. -L7


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Ah. The XZ-31 "Buck" gun. The first space gun ever produced (as far as we know). 1934, I believe. This is the toy that started the sales war between Macy's and Gimbel's.

In short, Macy's had exclusivity on the gun for a week when the toy first came out. It sold like gangbusters, and when the week ended, Gimbel's couldn't wait to get theirs. They tried to undercut Macy's by lowering the toy's price. Macy's lowered theirs in response. Gimbels lowered theirs again. Then they sold out. So Macy's bumped their price on the toy right back up again until Gimbel's stocked up again, prompting prices to plummet once more. This process continued over and over again.

At one point, the two stores were selling the guns for LESS than they paid to get them from Daisy. Daisy would then BUY BACK the guns and RESELL them to the two department stores, making an extra profit in the process! Sneaky...

Definitely an awesome ray gun. And $81 is a fantastic price. Congratulations!

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Nice pickup, Dr. A.! I've always admired those ray guns. Congratulations on a beautiful piece! :P

I've seen these with different colour combos but not like this one, along with a fine provenance which makes it all that much more interesting!

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Larry - a great pickup and at $81 I'm Martian green with envy!

Dr. A - the Buck gun wars between Macy's and Gimbel's should be required reading for any Business student. It sums up perfectly supply and demand in the free economy.

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Yeah great Macy's story... the only people who get jerked around are the customers. <_<

I love that Space Patrol gun tho. Great score!

Been meaning to get one of those type myself, I love the style.

- k

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