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*Masudaya / Cragstan / Yonezawa / Yoshiya Catalogue Numbers

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1655 Electric Remote Control Battery Operated Robot [R-35], MT/183 (1955)
1715A Space Commando [spaceman, Green color variation], MT/183
1848 Space Trip, MT/188
1860 Universe Traveller, MT/188
1870 Space Tank S-100, MT/204
1883 Atomic Rocket X-1800, MT/191
3035 Moon Explorer, FT/148/238 (1963)
3042 Sonicon Rocket, SH-R/16/162
and, again
3042 Sonicon Rocket, SH-R/16/163
3051 Rocket Launching Base, MT/190
3058 Non-Stop ["Lavender"] Robot, FT/74/105 (1960)
3058 Giant Machine Man, M/23 (1961-1962?)
3097 Explorer, S-G/120/365 (1963)
3117 Space Patrol [X-17], FT/135/204
3121 X-9 Space Robot Car, MT/185
3137 Moon Ship Supersonic [super Sonic Moon Ship], VT/132 (1961)
3147 X-07 Space Surveillant [tin head], B (1963)
3147 X-07 Space Surveillant [vinyl head], FT/184/328 (1970)
3150 X-80 Planet Explorer, FT/196/356 (1961)
3175 Space Survey X-09, M/184 (1970)
3178 Atom Rocket 7, M/179 (1962)
3217 Satellite X-107, FT/134/203 (1963)
3223 Giant Sonic ["Train"] Robot, JB (1963)
3241 Supersonic Space Pioneer [space Pioneer], S-G/64/179 (1963)
3242 Space Giant, FT/185/332 (1963)
3245 Capsule 5, FT/172/295 (1963)
3246 Capsule 6, S-G/118/358 (1963)
3247 Friendship No.7, S-G/121/368 (1963)
3304 Moon Rocket, FT/172/294 (1970)
3323 Flying Saucer X-3, MT/198
3325 Space Sight Seeing Bus, MT/188
3357 Shooting Giant Robot, JB (1963-1964)
3357 ["Target"] Robot, M/26 (1965)
3368 Robot Mighty 8, S-G/72/206 (1963)
3417 Capsule 7, MT/189 (1966)
3414 U.S.A.-NASA Gemini [uSAF-Gemini X-5], BT/198 (1966)
3441 Space Tank M-41, VT/131 (1970)
3521 Space Patrol Friction Powered
3659 [Lunar Expedition], MT/204 (1968)
3660 Radicon Space Pathfinder (1968)
3678 X-8 Space Explorer Ship*, FT/169/285 (1968)
3679 [Firebird 3]*, S-G/109/327 (1968)
3713 Space Patrol with Crank Siren [space Patrol 713], MT/188
3735 Space Ship X-5, M/184 (1969)
3783 U.S.A.-Apollo* (1970)
3784 Apollo Spacecraft, MT/189 (1969)
3785 Mini Apollo, M/147 (1970)
3791 Space Patrol 7*, CA/40/72 (1970)
3803 Space Jet X-3, MT/188
3831 NASA Control Center*, CSR/85 (1970)
3840 Docking Apollo, M/146 (1970)
3841 Space Capsule with Floating Astronaut*, M/146 (1970)
3844 Lunar Transport, MT/204 (1970)
3845 Space Scooter* [with boy astronaut], FT/106/157 (1970)
3852 Space Car [sX-10]*, M/181 (1970)
3853 Space Ship X-11 [satellite X-11], S-G/121/366 (1970)
3862 Space Surveyor X-12 [satellite X-12], FT/135/205 (1970)
3918 Space Scooter [with space dog], MT/203
4085 Airport Saucer, MT/201
4140 Missle Robot MR-45, MT/185
4143 Space Explorer Ship X-3, MT/201
4670 UFOX05 , VT/133


565 Space Robot Patrol, VT/33
1809 Space Man, M/152
2207-1 Cragstan Radical Robot, C-L/11/13
2208-1 Cragstan Ranger Robot, M/065 (1965)
2525-1 Cragstan's Talking Robot, M/052 (1965)
2561-1 Mr. Robot, S-G/112/341 (1967)
2601-2 Magnor, S-G/112/343 (1970)
10330 Friction Robot Car with Firing Gun and Noise [space Patrol R-3], S-G/101/291
10432 Space Patrol [space Patrol X-5], YT/75/88
10658 Space Dog, FT/164/278
10861 Robot Space Trooper, S-G/51/138 (1959)
11659 Spacemobile Pilot, C-L/6/134
30111 Rocket Launching Pad, S-G/67/191(right) (1959)
30226 Mobile Satellite Tracking Station, S-G/67/191
40225 Satellite In Orbit, FT/193/344
40233 Flying Saucer with Space Pilot, VT/34 (1960)
40234 Moon Patrol Vehicle [space X-5],
71807 Cragstan Great Astronaut, FT/95/135 (1962)
71808 Mr. Atomic, FT/82/119 (1962)
71842 Cragstan Astronaut, VT/101 (1962)
72806 Cragstan Astronaut, S-W/199 (1962)
72840 Cragstan Space Mobile, FT/200/365 (1962)
72841 Cragstan Flying Saucer, FT/124/180 (1962)
76802 Space Commander Ship [X-15] (1962)
76803 Space Scout vehicle [X-5] (1962)
76809 Cragstan Space Tank [Mars Patrol No. 17], BT/27
78800 Satellite with Animal Astronaut [MS-7], S-G/110/334 (1962)
90106 Cragstan Robot, VT/101 (1961)
90106 Cragstan's Mr. Robot, FT/54/64 (1962)
90247 Cragstan Satellite Outer Space Survey Ship [space Survey X-07], FT/157/258


750 Mercury X-1 Space Saucer, M/183 (1969)

755 Moon Patrol 11

758 / 5053 Flying Saucer Space Patrol 2019
770 Space Patrol, [space Patrol X-11 tank], FT/151/247 (1967)

789 Fire Rocket X-0077
798 Ultraman Tank, JB (1967)
800 / 4347 [Telephone Robot], M/079 (1968)

and, again

800 Smoking Robot [Blue Color}
801 Jupiter Robot, SH-L/25/110
802 Space Explorer, ["TV Robot"], M/071 (1968)
and, again
802 Diamond Planet Robot, SH-L/25/109
803 Moon-Detector, [Moon Detector M-27], FT/143/230 (1968)
805 Acrobot, FT/38/29 (1968)
and, again
805 X-27 Explorer, S-G/123/374
807 Commander Robot, ["'R' Robot"], M/050
809 Robby Robot with sparking action, FT/101/147
811 Mighty Robot, ["Athlete Robot"], M/079 (1967)
812 Lunar Explorer Delta 55 (1969)
813 Lunar Patrol XY-1 (1969)
819 Atomic Robot, M/49 (1968)
821 Mr. Planet, SAS/69/660 (1969)
825 Captain Robo Space Transporter, S-W/80 (1970)

827 Martin the Martian (1968)

828 Lunar Robot
839 The Hysterical Robot - HAppy HArry,

881 Atom Machine Gun
2205 Moon Explorer, [NASA Moon Explorer M-27], FT/142 (1963)
2525 Talking Robot, FT/52/57 (1965)
3192 Astro-Scout, SH-L/13/50
10651 Utchu Robotto = Space Robot, ["Conehead"], M/061 (1967)




3013 High-Wheel Robot

5030 Sky Patrol Flying Saucer 

5110 Flying Saucer X-15 Space Patrol


ME = Mechanical Electric (Battery Operated)

ME 050 Space Craft / Navire Spatial [space Craft ME 050 SFTF-1Battery Operated Latest Edition]

ME 057 Universe Explorer [ME 057]
ME 078 Space boat [spaceBoat 3 ME-078]
ME 089 Universe Car [universe Car] B/180
ME 090 Universe Stunt Car [stunt Car]
ME 091 Space Tank
ME 099 UFO [uFO, F2, ME 099, MADE IN CHINA]
ME 605 Universe Boat [universe Boat SFTF ME 605]
ME 632 Helicopter [Helicopter "double giro"]
ME 704 Observatory [Observatory]
ME 760 Pistol With Rings, [ME 760]
ME 761 Satellite
ME 767 Universe Boat [universe Boat ME 767] - (two different box designs)
ME 769 Universe Reconnaissance Boat
ME 771 Venus Traveler [Venus Boat ME 771]
ME 777 Universe Televiboat [7]
ME 780 Space Boat, Nef Cosmique [space Boat "saucer"]
ME 801 Lunar Explorer [Moon Car 12, ME 801]

ME 831 Moon Mine Explorer
ME 960 Space Train SFTF

MS = Mechanical Spring (Wind-Up)
MS 134 Avion Aircraft
MS 187 Flying Boat [little pull back saucer with swan litho]

MS 353 Moon Rocket

MS 457 Space Bus [space Bus]
MS 720 Somersaulting Tank [Jetson MS 720]
MS 881 Cruiser [Cruiser MS 881]
MS 882 Tank
MS 883 Space Radar Car [space 5]

MF = Mechanical Friction
MF 030 Universe Friction Rocket [universe, ST-101]
MF 039 Racer [7]
MF 093 Passenger Rocket

MF 102 Moonship
MF 103 Super Sonic Jetplane [MF-103]

MF 116 Friction Sparking Pistol [MF-116]
MF 156 Sub-Machinegun 

MF 196 Sparkling Pistol
MF 215 The Milky Way Boat [The Milky Way Boat] (also in a version that's printed Space Boat)

MF 227 Space Gun [space Gun, MF 227, Made In China]

MF 229 Friction Space Gun (Double Barrel)

MF 230 Friction Space Pistol
MF 249 Flying Boat [Flying Boat "saucer"]

MF 278 Space Boat
MF 282 Ray Gun (a tin version of the more familiair plastic golden taiyo ray gun)

MF 601 Sparkling Pistol
MF 603 Space Gun
MF 710 Stars-Landing Tank [MF710]
MF 735 Rocket Racer [Rocket Racer 6]
MF 742 Friction Flying Boat [7, MF-742, Made In China]

MF 742 Great Flying Boat [7, MF-742, Made In China]

MF 742 Space Patrol [space Patrol, MF 742, Metalmania]
MF 761 Dual Racer
MF 813 Small Flying Boat [5]
MF 825 Atom Boat [Atom Boat], B/124
MF 844 Double Decker Bus [Toys 48], B/81
MF 847 [space Boat 3]

MF 861 Space Gun Double Barrel Friction  [Space Gun Double Barrel, Made In China, 522 MF 861]     
MF 878 Space Boat [MF878] B/168
MF 883 Small Moonship [MF883]

MF 888 Sparkling Pist [Lion Sparkling Pistol, MF888, Made In China]
MF 895 Space Boat [space Boat MF 895]

MF 902 Sparkling Pistol [Lion, MF 902, Made In China]
MF 923 Torpedo Boat [Torpedo Boat 5]
MF 956 Sparkling Tank [Fire Tank]

1. box or catalog number
2. Name of toy as it appears on box
3. [Markings on toy or "nickname"]
4. Cross reference to published photo/page number/specific item number
5. (Earliest Alphadrome TIMELINE year, if known)

* Listed as "new" in catalog

B = ROBOT by Pierre Boogaerts, Futuropolis, 1978
BBT = Baby Boomer Toys And Collectibles by Carol Turpen, Schiffer Publishing, 1993
BT = Collector's Guide To Battery Toys, Second Edition by Don Hultzman, Collector Books, 2002
CA = Christies Amsterdam Auction Catalog, 05-02-88
C-L = Christie's South Kensington/Paul Lips Auction Catalog, 11-17-05
CSR = Collecting the Space Race by Stuart Schneider, Schiffer Publishing, 1993
FT = Future Toys by Antoni Emchowicz & Paul Nunneley, New Cavendish Books, 1999
JB = Jacky Broutin's catalog re-print book, Les Jouets Japonais/Japanese Toys From The Late 50's & 60's, Anamorphose, 1982
M = Morita's Robot & Space Toy's Collection, World Mook 242, 2000
MT = Modern Toys From Japan 1940s-1980s by William C. Gallagher, Schiffer Publishing, 2005
SAS = Special Auction Services (Paul Lips, Part 2) Catalog, 01-21-06
S-G = Sotheby's/F.H.Griffith Auction Catalog, 12-09-00
SH-L = Smith House/Robert Lesser Auction Catalog, 05-09-08
SH-R = Smith House/Alan Rosen Auction Catalog, 05-15-09
S-W = Sotheby's/Matt Wyse Auction Catalog, 11-07-96
VT = Vintage Toys by Jim Bunte, Dave Hallman & Heinz Mueller, Antique Trader Books/Krause Publications, 1999
YT = Yesterday's Toys - Robots, Spaceships, and Monsters by Teruhisa Kitahara, Chronicle Books, 1989

Most of these can also be found on the Alphadrome Database.

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Good work Joe and Fineas so far.

Off course we should continue what has been started already also for other companies. I hope that not ony we are interested in such a collection of numbers and information.

I would recommend to make own topics for Cragstan or each other company which might be covered later on (KO, YOnezawa are definitively interesting with a lot of robots and spacetoys and have numbers in their catalogues and on their boxes).

If not in separate topics the next possiblilty would be in one big topic but I think the line of numbers would be probably too long.

O.K, we could start in one topic and separate the companies if becomes too big to handle.

Is Cragstan not an importing company for the States only?

Some of the cragstan toys have been also sold or offered with diferent boxes or names by other importing companies. We should put this information also in this line if we have it.

(Mr. Atomic: Yonezawa and Cragstan)

The idea behind this collection of numbers in the first time was to order toys in the timeline, where only the numbers are known. So if we have safe information about the first issue of toys, we know that all the numbers inbeween have been issued also in this time span. This is not 100% possible backed up but at least in most cases.


To the best of my knowledge, Masudaya and Cragstan were the only two companies that printed their catalog numbers on the boxes.

If a catalog number exists for another company's toy, it would have to come from a copy of their catalog and the date of that catalog would most certainly be known. There would be no need to have a numerical list of their toys since their chronology would already be known.

I would be in favor of adding Cragstan to this newly developed dating list.

Now let's see how many other Alphadrome members will submit numbers from their own collections of boxes and catalogs!


There are also numbers on Yonezawa toys, f.e. Diamond Planet: 802, Wind up Mighty Robot: 811.

(Interesting because the Mr.Atomic, produced by Yonezawa has 71808 with additional 2 digits.

They might stand in addition for Cragstan ?).

I am not sure but I think also on the KO-Toys like the High wheel robot and other toys there are Item numbers which are identical to KO-catalog numbers.

I remember that KO toys have different number systems for wind-up and Battery operated toys.

I have to check when I get home to my lttle friends and look for more numbers

Other numbers which might be interested to follow the chronical timeline are patent numbers.

A lot of Patent numbers can be fond on toys and boxes.

Probably the numbers were given out also in chronical order. But I think this is too difficult because the patent number must not be equal to the issue date of that toy.

There is just an auction for Ranger Robot on Ebay with the Cragstan Box. I could read on the side 2208-1 . Would this fit in the line of numbers of cragstan ? There would be the first digit missing to fit in the series like ?2208-1. If some one has the box, he could check again this number.


I agree with you Gernot, that the patent numbers are a bit of a stretch and they require a good amount of research to acquire. I'm sure S.H.MIKE can attest to that!

As for the other box numbers, if you or other Alphadromers make the effort to post them here, I'll make the effort to organize them.

I'll add the Cragstan list ASAP.


It may be coincidence, but did you guys notice that the catalog number for the Masudaya Space Survey X-07 and the catalog number for the Cragstan Satellite Outer Space Survey Ship (basically the same toy) both end in 47?

  • 3 months later...

Keep up the good work Joe, Fineas and Gernot. I am following this with great interest and I am sure others are as well. I am on the lookout for anyway that I can contribute. 😉

  • 2 months later...

I've just returned from previewing the Morphy Spring Sale 2006 Auction items. The Adamstown Antique Gallery, where the auction will take place on March 30 & 31, is five minutes away from The Toy Robot Museum. Here's a link to a Robot Talk thread about the upcoming auction:


There are some very, very nice pieces here.

I came away with the following info for the Cragstan list:

2525-1 Cragstan's Talking Robot, M/052

This is the number from the box that bears the name Cragstan. There are other boxes where the Cragstan name is omitted. These boxes bear the number 2525. I've also noticed that some Talking Robots have the Cragstan name on their chest plate while others do not.

30111 Rocket Launching Pad, S-G/67/191/right

This box bears both the Cragstan and Yonezawa names/trademarks.


:) Joe, have you ever seen that '-1' addition to the number, such as on the Cragstan talking robot box, on other toys' boxes, or is this a first and only? -L7


I can't recall ever seeing a hyphenated number before, Larry. Can anyone else?

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Thanks, Dux. That makes the entry...

4143 Space Explorer Ship X-3, MT/201

  • 8 months later...

With the discovery of the Commander Robot box, I've added a YONEZAWA CATALOGUE/BOX NUMBER list, in the hopes of pinning down a date for "R" Robot as well as a date for Jupiter Robot.

If you have any Yonezawa numbers to add, please post them here.

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