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Wheels: Flat Spots


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You should always keep the weight off the wheels when displaying, once they get the flat spot it's unfixable most of the time. That is why I made RoboShoes, it's a laser cut acrylic pad that fits under the foot to take the weight off the wheels. I had robert pass out a bunch of them at the last BotStock.

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This is a subject that has the returnability, the repeateosis and the notgoawayness of the Rostock incident.

Every member, upon joining, should perhaps receive automatiically a bulletin with views on WD-40, flat wheels,

the latest opinion on the TTT smoking spaceman and the facts of life.

Brian! please look into the technical feasability?

Rubber (re-)conditioner,-available from off-set printer suppliers, works.

So does soaking in nitrocellulose thinner**** -but tricky!


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This is a subject that has the returnability, the repeateosis and the notgoawayness of the Rostock incident.

Every member, upon joining, should perhaps receive automatiically a bulletin with views on WD-40, flat wheels,

the latest opinion on the TTT smoking spaceman and the facts of life.

Brian! please look into the technical feasability?

Rubber (re-)conditioner,-available from off-set printer suppliers, works.

So does soaking in nitrocellulose thinner**** -but tricky!


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From the TIPS & TRICKS section, January 25, 2003:


Some of Henk's other favorite topics are covered in the other 26 threads of this section, as well:


Tips and tricks for the facts of life may be found on multiple other web sites whose links are best left un-named in this post. Afterall, oh, brooding, beleaguered bot-master Henk, there are minors who frequent this board!

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Geachte Heer, kon u die vlakke het wielraad van Robot in het Engels alstublieft

alstublieft vertalen?


Of course Russell, I will oblige:

" Dear sir, Could you please have please, translated the flat wheel-council

into the English. On the right"

Now that we have, probably due to the fact that the translation site

has doubled the Dutch, a true "Flat wheel-counsil",

I think it is necessary to define the mandate of this illustrious assembly.

Of course the flatwheels will be the "raison d'etre" but maybe,

when no minors are present, we can also discuss the facts of life.

I propose that the members of the flatwheel council meet at least once a year.

Bilderberg seems like a suitable location.

LMK your thoughts.

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TIPS and TRICKS? Why didn't I loo there first!

Thanks Joe + H.I. (I guess my Dutch translation post back fired, I was just trying to get you to expand on the printroller idea you mentioned earlier)


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.....And here is the first official proclamation of the Flat-wheels-counsil:

"When you do something stupid with an offset press, you often get crumpled up

paper forced through the rollers. Paper seems a feeble material, but in this case it is

as hard and uncompressable as granite. So there are dents and grooves in the rubber-

rollers. Out comes the bottle of magic potion, (-even in 1968 adorned with skulls&crossbones,

exclamationmarks and a large caption:"Poison!") and loo and behold, roller is as good as new!

As yoda says:" Believe you must, 'cos true it is".

A propos: I appreciate your attempt to approach me in my own wierd, exotic lingo.

It would a great success in circles of the Peacecorps.

But it often leads to people getting their dog grilled in Chinese restaurants.

The number of misunderstandings between Brits and Americans, who are, as Churchill said,

divided by a common language is already countless.(This forum bears witness to that!)

Let alone computerized translations.

You will have obliging (and surprised) Germans headhunting Danes, Italian waiters serving

muscle-packed ghosts, a deceased canine as leader of the troops, primate affairs etc.etc.

We will all speak English, as those that are born as native speakers in that tongue,

don't speak anything else anyway!

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Tanks for the tips fellow Alphadromers. Just rotated the wheels of the scarcer guys with Altaira and added some business cards under them from ROBOTNUT and BILL.


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  • Brian.. changed the title to Wheels: Flat Spots


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