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Wire Source for Robot Repair?


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Is anyone aware of a source for wire appropriate for robot repair? I would like to replace the brittle remote control wire on my Alps Door Robot. Modern speaker wire is usually too heavy for most  toy repair applications (and, of course, it doesn't come in colors that will work for replacing R/C wire on 1950s/60s-vintage robots - aqua, for example, which is the color of the original wire on my particular Door Robot). I fear that it's too much to hope that someone actually manufactures dual-conductor wire with insulation in colors that will match the original wire (though hope springs eternal), but is there at least a source for lighter-gauge, dual-conductor wire (22 gauge?) in maybe white, gray or black that would be fit for purpose? I've watched for junk donor toys of similar vintage, but their wire is likely be to  brittle too. Any suggestions would be appreciated...


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Actually, as I think about it,  I'm guessing the dual conductor wire on most vintage battery toy R/Cs might be even smaller than 22.

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I’ve strengthened my door’s dry brittle wire with tape where there are cracks (not broken yet). It works and it remains original.


If you have to replace it then I’d look for a period 50s 60s donor. The door always has two tone wires which may be more difficult to find, but there are plenty of cheap remote poodles or cars out there that could do the job 

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Ribbon cable comes in different Gauges and multi colors. It is very inexpensive so if you order the wrong stuff just try again.

I do not know if an eBay link will work here but let's try.


1.27mm Spacing Pitch10 WAY 10P Flat Color Rainbow Ribbon Cable Wiring Wire 1M 5P | eBay


Nope, I can not post a ebay link.


Here is a smaller gauge with more colors.


1M 1.17mm 40PIN Wire Flat Multicolored Ribbon Cable | eBay


Just pull off how ever many conductors you need.

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Many thanks, gentlemen. Very helpful. I shall pursue the remedy. For what it's worth, I have also found that clear (not yellow) epoxy can be coated on weak spots to almost invisibly repair/ward off cracks. But this wire is so brittle that it can't even be coiled up for display purposes (and it wants to crack immediately at the body "exit hole"). I suspect the robot was stored in a hot attic for a while. Thanks again!


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Thought an update was in order, as it may be valuable to others. Per robothut's suggestion, I did obtain some small-gauge flat ribbon wire, and it will indeed do the job, but there's one issue: color. Yes, the rainbow cable has strands of any color you might want. The problem is that, by design,  you will not find two strands of the same color together (to peel off as a dual-conductor remote control wire). I contemplated just having a two-color wire, but I could find no original Door (or any robot, for that matter) with a two-color wire -- except for those that just have two wires twisted together, and that of course is not what was on my Door Robot. But I think I have the solution, which I'll describe here in case anyone has a similar problem.


It is possible to buy spray paint formulated for painting vinyl (for car seats, dashboards and the like). It claims to be durable and flexible (and resists cracking/peeling). I figured that if it will work on a vinyl seat that people are regularly sliding into and out of, then it certainly would work on a strand of two-conductor RC wire that will see only occasional play action.  Yes, the wire will  be flexing a good bit, but no extreme bends and, again, likely very little "play" use. Now, I couldn't find any paint that matched the aqua of the original controller or wire, but I did find a bright blue, and as most of you will know, blue was also occasionally paired with the aqua control. I'll report back on how well it worked and post pics (good or bad). Of course, i would have preferred just to leave the original wire intact, but as I've said, it cracks with the slightest provocation, and the robot functions so well that I want to be able to put him through his paces from time to time. I figure I have one more opportunity to go back into the robot and install new wire before I start breaking off tabs, so I want to make sure what I connect to it will last.


I also want to mention here that I will post a new message a little later about an in-progress repair of my Daiya Space Conqueror. If anyone has experience repairing one, I'd appreciate it if you'd watch for that post and share any knowledge you might have. Thanks!

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Years ago I tried Vinal paint on wire, it did not go well for me. You can get the ribbon cable in all white/ gray color and that would be better for painting I would think.

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I actually ordered some 26-gauge gray, which I thought would work best with the blue paint. Your point is well taken, though, and my plan is to paint a short length of the wire, let it dry and cure thoroughly, and then put it through an endurance test before installing it. I actually experimented with some regular Rustoleum enamel and was surprised at how well it withstood twisting and coiling without cracking. Hoping the vinyl paint is at least that good. But, again, I realize it's a bit of gambit, so I plan to be circumspect, and if it seems at all questionable, I'll abort and just install the light-green and white pairing from the rainbow cable. That will at least be better than twisting together two blue- or green-insulated single-conductor wires. Thanks.

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Somebody on here had green two strand cable for sale about ten years ago. I think it might have been somebody from Europe. I bought a bit and it looks great - a little darker than what's on old toys, but close enough. I wish I had a supply. Does anybody else remember this?

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I have 20 metres/65 feet of this green cable that came with a toy telephone set, probably the correct colour, but, noticeably thicker that the type used with old toys.


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Wow, it does look like a color match. If my wire painting project fails, would you be willing to sell it (or even just six feet/two meters or so)?

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1 hour ago, Hymie said:

Wow, it does look like a color match. If my wire painting project fails, would you be willing to sell it (or even just six feet/two meters or so)?

I could consider selling a couple of metres, thing is though I see you live in LA and I live in England,  bear in mind the gauge is noticeably larger even though it may not appear so in the photo, I will take another photo showing a comparison between a typical 60s toy cable and this.

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Thanks for all your trouble. You're probably right about the gauge (I was just seduced by the color). Frankly, it looks like my blue-painted 26-gauge wire is going to work -- but I would love to see what your aqua wire looks like compared to original vintage, but only if and when it's convenient for you.

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16 hours ago, Hymie said:

I would love to see what your aqua wire looks like compared to original vintage

Here is what the telephone set wire looks like compared to the old wires from an Alps Door Robot & a R-35 robot, somewhat different. One good thing it gave me the opportunity to power up the Door & R-35 and give them some exercise, and to my amazement the R-35 which has always been a reluctant starter worked straight away.



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Many thanks for the picture. Looks like you're right about the gauge (but, again, the color is spot on). I guess I'll just go with my counterfeit blue wire.


Regarding your R-35: When I bought mine, someone had replaced the remote wire with a length of large gauge speaker wire with clear insulation. It looked terrible (especially since the steel and copper wire showed through the clear insulation -- totally wrong). I had seen pictures of a couple of R-35s with what looked like gray wire, but i couldn't seem to find any new small-gauge wire like that. Then I was put in mind of the solid-color wire on many cell phone wall chargers (and other small appliance wall chargers/transformers as well). Did a search on eBay and found dozens of them (including some with gray wire). Bought a gray-colored one for about three dollars. Wire worked very well -- especially since it was lighter gauge than most speaker wire.

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