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Transforming Flying Robot Project


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Inspired by the prototype flying astronaut robot posted on Alphadrome Jan 20 2015.
I decided to try my hand at a transforming flying robot design. I had a chief robot body shell that seemed like a good test bed for the project. Now the idea was to use RC servos for all the functions and control them a micro control device called Micro Maestro sold by Pololu. This device is about the size of your thumb tip and can control 6 servos. It has built in memory so once you program it then on power up it can preform the servo sequences you programed in to it. And at about $20 bucks it’s a bargain. The last project I did that used a servo controller was the robot fortune teller that I made .
It used a $100 dollar 4 servo controller that is large, about the size of your hand. So finding this Micro Maestro was what got me interested in trying this project out. They also make a 12 channel and 24 channel servo controller in case you want to control more than 6 servo’s.
So I wanted the robot to tip over in to flying position then have the arms move out and the robot move forward for a bit, then stand back up, move the arms in, then turn around and start the sequence again. So that meant using two servo driven wheels so I could turn around and go forward. Then use another servo to push a roller out the base to tip the robot forward, then use a fourth servo to control a arm with the roller on it to catch the robot and lower it down to flying position. I used two more servos for the arms to move in and out. Here is a You Tube of the robot in operation.



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John, as always, there is obviously nothing you cannot do...bravo. :hail:

However, one observation, strickly decorative, mind you, but since it's a flying robot, shouldn't it have a rocket pack on the back? :scratchhead: Just sayin', that's all. :blush:

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