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Flying Saucer X-7 Different Versions?


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The most common is the "space explorer ship x-7" but there are also a version named just "flying saucer" both from MT. Does anybody know why there are two versions? Which one came first? Why did they change the name? Manufactured year?
I could not find it in the database. Maybe it should be added?
I guess the "flying saucer" is an older version becouse of the tin made head. Later versions of the "space explorer" have vinyl heads.

Link to one at ebay:

Borrowed picture:

My own saucer:

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It's really hard to say which came first, the Space Explorer version or the Flying Saucer version. The presence of the tin head suggests an earlier date than a plastic head but that does not tell us which litho version was on the market first. It's possible both were available at the same time or their availability overlapped. What I have found is that in a lot of cases a slight variation of a toy is used so that a particular importer can claim "exclusive" rights to that variation. The "Flying Saucer" version of the box says "Exclusively Rethel's" so Masudaya may have changed the name of the saucer so Rethel's (I am assuming they were a department store) could claim exclusivity. The saucer in the ebay auction (OK - my ebay auction) comes with a box marked Space Explorer (this is the box it came in when I bought it). This may be due to a marriage at some point or it may be an early release before the box was changed. Adding to the convoluted mystery of these box variations is the fact that the Space Explorer version of the box offered in the auction is marked "MFD.BY K.K. MASUTOKU TOY FACTORY, TOKYO, 111, JAPAN" in addition to the Masudaya trade Mark. Why this is, is anyone's guess.

As to date of manufacture, the Space Explorer version shows up in a Masudaya catalog for the 1963-64 season. The fact that the saucer exists in such high numbers today suggests a long production run.

That's what I know - anyone have anything else to add? Please? I'd like to see more opinions so that tjohejsan gets more of a group consensus on this. I feel a little uncomfortable commenting on my own item for sale but not posting what I know was not an option either!


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Great info.

Most likely its a product Exclusively Rethel's like you say.

The "x-7" and its boxes comes in huge different versions.

I searched the internet and i think K.K. MASUTOKU TOY FACTORY is the name of the factory in tokyo that manufactured the toys for Masudaya.

The history of old toys is really interesting.

The box that belongs to my space explorer also have the Exclusively Rethel's:


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Very interesting tjohejsan! I never noticed the Rothel's version of the Space Explorer box! I have no idea why they would claim the X-7 Space Explorer was exclusively theirs. Unless a little thing like the facts didn't matter! The box variation story gets even more convoluted....

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