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Horikawa Fighting Robot


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Dear members: I am still a little new to Alphadrome and it is wonderful. The other day I was working on a Horikawa Fighting Robot, the one with the gears in the top dome. I got the robot to work, but I notice that in order for the gears to work in the dome, there is an L shaped bar that does not seem to connect to anything. Could you tell me if the robot is missing a part that connects to this L shaped bar so the gears turn? It looked like the gun driver was the device that may of also connects to this bar, but that does not happen. Thanks for your help, always appreciate it. Victor

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Hello Joe: Thank you for sending this photo. I see that the gearing in the head piece was turned using a treading of wire or something. I never seen this view of the robot and it is a big help. I can rig up something to this L shaped bar to the piece that makes the gun move back and fourth. Thank again. Victor

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