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"drax" The Infinity Man Robot


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I saw this nice LED infinity light show device for sale, it has red, green and blue LEds inside a 2 way mirror on the front and normal 1 way reflective mirror inside about 1/4 inch behind the front 2 way mirror. the Leds have 6 different sequence patterns so I put a push switch on the fron of the robot so that different light sequences could be sellected and a start up circuit so the unit would power ON with the robot in sequence number 1. The clear head of the chief smoky was just begging for a spinning Led display, you know the type with many different patterns that change automaticly and we have all used in so many robot conversions over the years. I cut the metal top of the head and replaced it with a clear dome to add to the spinning rainbow of light effect. There is also a LED behind the mouth grill. New ears and eyes and gone is the nose. I thought just how bad might infinity smell? Better not take chance. Also with the nose gone its more translucent dome for the light show to be seen. I also put in a digital sound system that plays a 30 second loop. It seemed to me that a infinity robot would have a infinity sound so a Theremen loop seemd like a good choice. I also made up some new arms from some old plastic ones in my parts bin. I added the infinity logo and the Name DRAX to the arms joints. Drax was the name for the Infinity man of comic book fame. It seemed to me that a infinity robot would not be in a hurry as it would have all the time in the universe, so I changed around 2 gears in the bump and go drive to slow down the normaly hectic bump and go speed of the chief smoky. The color of the robot is insired by the Comic book as well. I placed a infinity logo and the word infinity on the front of the robot. The 3D effect of the infinity light show is realy very nice but I have not found away to take a picture or a video of it yet, the digital camera does not like being aimed at the supper bright LEDs and the effect is lost. The robot is now powered by 6 AA batterys. It was just easyer to use 3 AA to power the digital sound and the infinity light show and then seperate batterys for the motor driven effects like the bump and go and the spinning leds in the head. I made up some simple box artwork as well. Here is a link to a page on the infinity robot at my site.


and here a link to a short You Tube video, it may not let you see the infinity light very well but you can here a sample of the infinity sounds.




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John, I love it, even if it is lavender/pink. The look and details are great. :D Looks like your weather is getting better or you're freezing when working. We've had 20+ inches of snow Saturday with another foot coming Tuesday. I've never been so ready for spring. :angry:

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Wonderful robot, John! I like the idea, how you use the spinning lights. :rolleyes:

The face is awesome :excl: . For sure it is a coincidence that it is similiar with Ham?


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Another success John! I hope Metal House is taking notes. ^_^

Nope ! Next, they will release a Space Doom with green eyes or a hex headed robot with an astronaut inside a Tetsujin inside a washing machine boogie with you !!!

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