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A series of hard rubber spacemen and aliens molded in a hard rubber material, bronze or silver. 55mm. These are copies of spacemen created by Thomas Toys of America, a sister company to Poplar. There five figures produced by Poplar; they can be found in grey or bronze hard rubber. Painted examples are found but it is not clear if these were factory painted.

1 Alien holding a club-like weapon over his left shoulder.
2 Spaceman holding pistol in his right hand, left hand on box at waist
3 Spaceman with axe in right hand, pistol in left hand
4 Spaceman with spiked helmet holding pistol in right hand, left hand empty
5 Alien with breathing apparatus, frilled legs, hand on gun at side.

Note: the sixth figure, a spaceman holding a rifle at his waist, was manufactured by Thomas but was not (as far as I am aware) produced by Poplar.

From the album:

Space Figures

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