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New Space Guns


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Nice job, Dr. A!! Damn, your collection is looking just great, and you did a super job displaying them!

For all who are interested, here is a photo of all the known colors of the Renwal Planet Jet, including the Mettoy Cracker Jet. It took me years and LOTS of dollars to assmble all of them, but they are in my top 3 favorite ray guns of all time, so I'm not sorry I did it. There is also a photo of one of the only known original cards.


Rocket -[O_O]-



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It's interesting how unchanged the standard gun form remains with these toys. You could imagine that if you're designing space weapons of the future that it would be possible to make them look and function in a million different ways, but instead, we stick to the pistol and the rifle forms. I suppose it gives you a point to recognize what you've got while still adding some fantasy. A kid who wanted a cool gun wouldn't go and buy something that didn't look like a gun. I kind of recall an unusal gun in the movie "Dune". I think they called it a weirding module, and it amplified your shout, or some such thing. The problem with that, is you need a movie or book to explain what the hell it is. Anyway, what's the most unusually styled gun out there? Are there any that look less like ordinary guns?

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Dr. A, regarding your post of yesterday (5:00) it's eery that yesterday afternoon (before I'd read this post) I was thinking along similar terms as the ray-gun fantasy but in regard to robot toys.

When I was 4 and while playing with the old tin 'Planet robots' I always imagined them as being actually REAL somehow in whatever scene I was playing out. I don't think that today's kids could ever concieve of thinking of these toys in the way we had done, due to their modern-advanced-computer-brain-boosted craniums they have now!! :blink:

Again, I must say you're a true artist the way the collection is presented! WOW! Never get enough of those pics. The plastic stuff is wonderful to see. And, what's that I see, a few rare BOXES in the midst???? :ph34r:

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David: I know what you mean. For all their spacey-ness, they're still obviously guns. There are some really out-there ones, but even those are clearly guns. I think the weirdest one I know might be the Bub-L-Rocket:


(stolen from toyraygun.com -- thanks Justin!)

You blow into the back, firing bubbles at your enemy. Who, presumably, laughs to death. Or something.

Morbius: I've always collected ray gun boxes. Because the toys cost less to begin with, boxes don't make them completely unaffordable. I've got the boxes for the Tom Corbett Space Cadet Atomic Rifle, the Planet Police Gun, the Space Commando Interplanetary Megascope, the Guided Missile gun, the Tomi Gun, the Cosmic Ray Gun, the Jet Zoom, the Capt. Video Signal Gun, the Zeta Ray, and the Atom Buster. I've also got the display packaging for the Space Explorer Gun and the Zoomer Ray, as well as cards for all three Bub-L-Rockets. The rarest is probably the Space Explorer card and original dart. (Though the gun itself isn't so rare.)

So yeah... I'm a big fan of ray gun boxes, when I can get 'em. That Pyrotomic Disintegrator box really got me drooling...

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Indeed, Phil!


In other gun-related news, this fantastic water pistol -- the Rocket Jet (U.S. Plastic Co., Pasadena, CA) -- arrived in the mail today. I'm in love with this piece, even though opaque water pistols don't generally get me that excited. But the fluid lines and deep metallic finish make this thing look like it's made out of poured silver or something. Completely spacey. The pics don't do it justice -- this little guy positively glows!


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OK, Doc, that's what I'm talking about! You hold it like a gun, but then you've got to blow to make it fire. You like a complete astro-nerd. It's a little like a gun, but more like a hand held rocket launching pad. Maybe I'll start designing space weaponry. Do you think I can sell them in my Target Garden section? You could squirt space bugs off your petunias!

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OK, everyone, stop it right here. Before you know it, another hobby will make its way into this house.. *Altaira will end up un-edumacated, but she sure will have lots of toys!!!

Yep, a parcel a day keeps the blues away!!!! :rolleyes:

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Morbius, who needs an education when they're packin' heat?

"I'm sorry, Miss, but we can't hire you without a college degree."


"Here, Miss, take my office."

David: Definitely the least threatening space weapon of all time...

Oh, and to respond to an earlier comment -- You're correct about the guns in Dune. At least, as designed for the David Lynch flick. Most of the guns in that film were pretty unusual -- and very cool. I love Dune's production design. (I had a chance to buy an original design painting from Dune at World Con last year... but I got outbid at the silent auction, and that was that... It was REALLY cool -- it was from the scene where House Atreides -- sp? -- gets attacked by House Harkonen and the Emporer's troopers... Oh well...)

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Morbius, who needs an education when they're packin' heat?

"I'm sorry, Miss, but we can't hire you without a college degree."


"Here, Miss, take my office."


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OK, with all this raygun talk I can't let everyone else have all the fun, I guess I should toss in my latest pick ups.

The first one is a Martian Guided Missile Bloon Gun, a novel little piece even though it's missing an extended barrel tip, a little "sight" piece that sits on the top arm in the back and most of the piece that extends below the barrel. Even missing all that it's still a cool looking gun.


Next is a Buck Rogers Sonic Ray Gun in green that I got for Christmas (thank you Santa!).


And last but not least is this blue Rex Mars sparkling ray gun. I'm told that there is only one other blue example known to exist (that's always a fun thing to hear!!). I've got a few more pieces coming in the mail and when they show up I'll get the whole collection updated in the collections forum.


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