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Some Ray Guns


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Actually, I find the box rather disturbing even though it's fantasy. The spacemen seem to be killing a defenseless family of aliens. The figures seem to be two adults and 2 children. :(

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See, and that's why Planetary Exploration Team #6 was wiped out. The aliens had been studying humans for a while, and they knew that appearing as a family would get the spacemen to lower their guard.

So the leader of the alien hunting party enlisted Yert and Kiple, two brothers known for being as vicious as they were adorable and short. He also grabbed the strangely effeminate Howder to pose as a "mommy," and the four of them made their way over to the earthling's outpost.

The aliens were smart: When they smiled at the Exploration Team, they remembered to keep their brain-sucking fangs retracted.

"Aw, look at the family," said Lt. Stevens, who was always a sucker for Norman Rockwell moments, even ones that were 500 light years from the nearest Norman Rockwell painting. "Let's invite them to tea."

Spacemen are a proud bunch, and it's sad when their last words are, "Let's invite them to tea." But that's what Stevens was getting on his tombstone, because as soon as he got close enough to the grinning aliens, the Yert and Kiple lashed out, opening their mouths wide and clamping on to the spaceman's head. The brain sucking fangs pushed right through Stevens' helmet and into his cranium, slurping out ropey twirls of brain matter -- along with all thoughts of tea, sugar, and lemon -- like so much pink spaghetti.

Commander Humperdink wasted no time in pulling out his blaster, and Sgt. Sturgeon and Trooper First Class Simak were right behind him. The three men fired, channeling all their fear and anger and frustration at being stuck on some damn rock 500 light years from the nearest episode of [Adult Swim] into the simple, satisfying act of blowing some aliens to kingdom come.

The devastation was complete. When the dust settled, the four attacking creatures lay in a pool of their own steaming entrails. Lt. Stevens began to stew as the alien atmosphere invaded his compromised space suit. Commander Humperdink surveyed the situation, fighting back a few tears.

"Keep yourself together, man," he thought to himself. He remembered his old General, and thought about how the grizzled vet would handle the situation. That did the trick.

"Sgt. Sturgeon!" he snapped.


"Grab those aliens and light up the cooking stove. We'll see who eats who!"

"Yes sir!"

"Commander?" It was Simak. "What about Stevens?"

"Grab him, too," said Humperdink. "He'll make a good appetizer!"


So don't be fooled, Phil. Don't be fooled...

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That was AWESOME!...Just entertainingly AWESOME!

Loved it. Thanks Dr. for sharing that cautionary tale of trust and good eats!

"...the strangely effeminate Howder to pose as a "mommy,"....

Oh-my-gosh! That is too funny. hahahaaa - SLOL!!!

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