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Very nice and goes perfectly withe the rest of your display ! Was also admiring the Alphadrome man. Very nice also.Christmas eve, no less. Did you and Altaira ever race 'em across the floor? :cheers:

Yeh we did race 'em...they kinda looked like the folks going through Wal-Mart on a Thursday morn. I slow step...another slow step with arms in stride... raise arms s-l-o-w-l-y then a slow at-tat-tat (oh, but they have real space sound) then another slow step. Nobody won. :crying-and-sobbing::rolling:

I've got a 'thing' for red 'bots.

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Mike, congratulations on your retirement, I think. I can't seem to get there myself. Maybe next year at 70. It looks like you've reorganized and made some improvements on your displays. Great present with the LIS picture.

Thanks Phil. It was kind of an interim measure to get the stuff all in more-or-less one place and off of the floor, those IKEA bookcases turned out to be mostly paper. I didn't expect much but they aren't even able to hold magazines or books, they bow within a few days. OK for the light plastic/tin stuff. Still mulling about proper cabinets, yours are really wonderful and bright and a definite inspiration as is Doc's. Dirk's display is amazing too.

I hope I don't wait too long to do something like the decades I've sat on some of the models and scratchbuilds (such as the Robby Jeep I started around 1985). :breakit: Time to get-er-done.

BTW the Planet Brothers say HI! Nice pic by *Altaira.



New pic of some of the fellas...




More recent pics of the fellas...Nice pic by *Altaira.



Excellent pics. I see we have the Chrome Toy Story Buzz Bot very nice. :biggrin:


Thanks Roboto.

It's a nice piece the Chrome Buzz, only saw that one once in a store and I picked it up, don't think too many that were played with would survive well as just handling this toy would ruin the chrome finish. Haven't touched him much since 1994 or whatever the date was I got him, they tend to topple easily! The wings on either one of these never worked that well. :biggrin:

  • 1 month later...

Latest addition to the collection, been after one of these for the better part of 10 years. Didn't want to buy a second (well, third) Rock Em set just to get this piece but I snagged this moments after it was posted for exactly the price I wanted to pay. The U.S. seller offered free shipping to me but I offered him a couple of bucks to package it 'extremely securely' and with a stiff super-sized cardboard backing so our postal service didn't try to bend it and stuff it into our tiny community mail box...I saw the truck scoot by my house early in the day with the package sitting beside the driver (knew it was MINE), hours later it was dropped at my door. Love it!




Congrats once again, Morbius, and very happy for you on your latest purchase, but please move it out of the way so it doesn't block those wonderful 'bots !! - really, great news ! :cheers:


Thanks Ultrarobotman! Very simple item that background but I haven't seen one since '66. I received the knocked-down long box version of Rock Em's (mail order version) in 1966 for Xmas and oddly enough it had that backdrop in the box. Must have been a 'Sears Exclusive' to have had that included in that set as usually it's only in the square box sets.

Oh, those are *Altaira's robots in that cabinet, including the 'flower' bot. :cheers:

  • 2 months later...

Latest to join the shelf, thanks Dr. A. for the beautiful vintage piece, long time coming. :biggrin: Thank you all for your positive responses in Robot Talk, felt it was time to add to the Robby collection with the new KING.







:woohoo: The family's growing...where will it all end?? :cheers:



It never really ends. You go to the front door to check for mail and there is another Robot waiting to come in. :biggrin:


Sounds like fun! :pigsfly::thumbs::pigsfly:

I'll be sure to check tomorrow...


I really don't think anyone wants it to EVER end. And as I recall the photo posted not too long ago of who must be Morbius on the motorcycle covered in lots of green cash falling all over the place, the collecting won't have to end anytime soon. :rolling: seriously, again a very nice example and I also enjoyed very much meeting yourself and Altaira :biggrin:


I really don't think anyone wants it to EVER end. And as I recall the photo posted not too long ago of who must be Morbius on the motorcycle covered in lots of green cash falling all over the place, the collecting won't have to end anytime soon. :rolling: seriously, again a very nice example and I also enjoyed very much meeting yourself and Altaira :biggrin:



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