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David Kirk

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Hi David

Well maybe the Dynamo robot could be a possible candidate if that is the case then. Yes, the Gustav robots did come with a chrome and black card with info about the robot on. Maybe Henk had not got around to finishing them when you got yours with it being one of the first off the line as it were. What number is your Gustav David? Mine are No 11 and No 23. You can see the cards/certificates that came with them in this photo.


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Hah! Mine is #11 too. Is yours stamped #11 on the underside between the legs? I don't think mine was the first off the line, I think it was just one of the first he sent out. He claimed it was his favorite, and I was to write a nice review, which I did easily, because I loved it.

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The Gustav certificates were an inexact project by Henk. He made them for the 2nd lot of Gustav's he did -not the first line production -atleast not the very first ones that were sent out. When he later got around to the certificates as not to have the initial buyers mad that they didn't get one - he whipped up a batch for the first group. I can easily see how numbers could have been duplicated and not everyone from "group one" getting one as I'm sure Henk didn't keep precise records - but did this from memory. Even the money was paid to Chris if Paypal was used.

As regards Dynamo - at first many years ago Henk was hot into mass producing them via Rocket USA. I had several talks with them at Henk's request and it was always promises but no result. In reality Henk didn't care anymore about Dynamo as he moved onto other projects.

The more I think about it great idea but --- part of the beauty of a Henk Gosses robot was that it was hand built by Henk. A mass produced one would still have had to get his very important critical approval. I know for a fact that this was important to Henk. He was not happy with unacceptable deviations to his original design - remember he was an artist first - he was also how do I say very sensitive to how individuals would approve of a mass produced robot - it was part Henk's very circular reasoning - complicated but oh so very much Henk - if he was happy with it - would we be happy with it - if we were happy with it then he would be happy with it. I would sort of yell at him that if he was happy with it - that is all that counted - he was the artist and those of us who saw in it what he did would then approve. He shouldn't need our approval to know if his work was good. But that wasn't Henk - behind his irreverant veneer was a very sensitive soul who deeply cared whether we liked his work. He needn't have worried - it was always masterful.

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Thanks for that info re the Gustav certificates Steve, I did not know that. At the end of the day I have to agree with you Steve re your comments about Henks thoughts on mass produced robots of his design.

David, my No 11 Gustav is indeed stamped G 11 on the underside between the legs!

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If this does ever happen, and I'll keep out of the discussion of whether it's a good idea or better left alone because frankly I don't know, you can count me in.

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STEVE - Henk always acted like an artist: He was never satisfied with his work 100% and he was unsure at every time - if anybody else would love his creations too.

The DYNAMO is an ATOMIC HOT subject to talk about. I know, that there are some people more involved in that, than both of us. BUT something is very clear - HENK did not gave away this phantastic DYNAMO to massproduce this POOR IMITATION ( if anybody has the pic - please add... thank you )

And thats what its all about ( this is as always only - MY OPINION ) HENK always stands for perfect design & shape - or lets say ART - that was his goal he wanted to reach. FAME, GLORY & WEALTH had never been his destinations. So for me is very clear - WHO ever will re - produce it would not be important for HENK - the RESULT would be of MOST IMPORTANCE !!! And for reaching that - who would call himself being qualified for doing this job?? :(

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Re Henks Gustav, I know he was very disappointed re the one that Chris put on ebay a couple of months ago. It only had 2 bids and luckily it was me that won it but it sold for less than the original asking price of $245.


Lucky for you maybe, but unlucky for me, as I was the other bidder.... :(

Ah, well...He looks happy enough standing with his other brother Gustav !

Re the robot project, I feel like I have to echo Fineas' thoughts...I will get behind whatever

we decide to do as a fitting tribute / memorial to our friend... However, I don't feel that I am as

in-the-loop as some of you are as to the monumental task of getting one of his ideas taken

from the prototype stage to the point of fruition. Not to mention whether or not the result would

indeed be something that would have pleased him. It's a tough call to make, and for now I will

have to be happy with deferring to those of you "in the buisiness".

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What Henk Hath Wroth:

What Ozzie did with it......

(after chiding Robert Johnson about over using the Smoking Spaceman body)



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The "smoking" Dynamo is clearly a cost-driven, parts bin answer to Henk's proposed design. When a designer cannot escort his design, a bean-counter is always waiting in the wings, alas.

So, for sure, if a Henkbot (or LINE of HenkbotS) were to be done, they'd have to be SPOT ON to the original Henk design. The good news is that Henk had no shortage of original designs.

An effort like this calls for cooperation and disclosure from the leaders in the hobby, with all parties functioning in a non-profit effort to benefit the family. (With the family's permission, of course!)

follow-up: imho, the "smoking" dynamo does happen to be the nicest looking of all the parts bin smokings. but of course, it's no henkbot.

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:( :) the idea is tempting, but I'm of two minds of how it is possible . Anyway, anything coming to Ankie & Emma would be of help to them & greatly appreciated !!!

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Not sure if this has been suggested anywhere already, and I hope I'm not overstepping the line - but what about instead of producing one of Henk's robots, how about some kind of book or publication that celebrates Henk as a person and also showcases his collection?

If it was done properly it could serve as a fitting commemoration of Henk and also a (fairly definitive, I would imagine) robot reference book – which would extend it's appeal outside of the alphadrome collecting circle and make it possibly a more viable financial project (probably not a huge money-spinner but a labour of love). Also, if Henk's collection is ultimately to be split up, surely this is the next best thing to a museum to celebrate it. I personally would love to have a quality record of his collection - both as a reference piece and also as a tribute to the man.

What it would require roughly, I think, would be:

a) a writer

b.) photographer to take professional shots of his collection

c) designer to design the book and lay it out ready for print

c) a print manager - someone in the design/print industry who could oversee the production

d) retailers (ie members of alphadrome) - above those sold by subscription here on Alphadrome, could sell additional copies to make it more viable

d) An overall project Coordinator - someone close to Henk who can tie it all together

Financially we could start the ball rolling by people here subscribing. It might not be a hardcover book, but perhaps something perfect bound and cheaper to produce (of a high quality though). If there was any profit from it, this could go to his family.

It's just a thought and I'm just putting it out there, but if people with those areas of professional expertise were willing to donate their time - I'm sure we could do something worthy of his memory. I'm happy to donate my time as a graphic designer, if others would be interested.

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As much as I like the idea of creating a Henkbot, I think that, for now, there's a lot of reasons why it might not be immediately feasible. Something to continue pursuing, of course... but maybe a little ways down the road as we have more information on how to make it work.

On the other hand, I kind of like the book idea... Photos, some interviews with friends and family, stories about Henk, maybe selections from some of Henk's more memorable posts and comments, commentary on the robots themselves.

It's not a difficult project, really -- (id).2 spelled out the requirements pretty clearly. However, if we brought it to a publisher, someone like Taschen or whoever, then we wouldn't need a print manager, or anyone who might have to worry about the technical side of things. We'd still need people to put together actual content, plus a designer who knows how to output projects for publication (color seps, etc) -- this way we don't have to leave it to the publisher... -- and a project co-ordinator to help tie everything together. One method would be to work with a book packager... they help put everything together and then bring the whole project to a publisher. Not sure of the politics and business elements involved in such a move, but whatever... a little research could bring that to light.

I'd be happy to lend my writing, interviewing, and/or editing skills to such a project. I could also talk to my publisher and see if (a) he'd be interested in publishing such a book (unlikely, due to the cost of a full-color, glossy publication, which is a bit beyond his means) or (B) if he knows of anyone who might be interested in the project.

There is the self-publishing route, of course, but that makes distribution MUCH more difficult. But it's an option...

Just throwing some other thoughts out there.

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Id it's not a bad idea (:( I am afraid now of being too enthusiastic.)

It's probably easier than to produce a henkbot...The complication would be that many of Henk's creations are around the world...and it's my understanding that publishing -and getting a profit- is no that easy either...

PS: Doc, we posted at the same time...

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:( If a book it is, Not Taschen, which has this tendency to re-re-re print books while selling directly on the second hand market. I wonder if Kitahara is getting any author's rights on the Taschen 1001 Tin Toys ???(being a reprint of the 3 Japanese Kitahara's books).

Does anyone know ?

10 years ago, Henk & I toyed with the idea of the ULTIMATE Robot book, since at least 4 were published , including the excellent Future Toys of Tony Emc³ !!! Those were mass market sellable books because they were referring to general toys & eventually could interest a large variety of people outside the robot collecting world.

But would a book more focused on our friend be of interest to the general lectorate?

I wonder.

Also, the shares of the bookshops, distributors & publishers would leave peanuts to be donated (I kinda know, as I work in the comics distribution field.

So, back to square one; I for one, would go for a Bot better than a book, the hardest part being to find the right person to do it !

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