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Alps Firebird, Anybody knows how it works??!

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Hello everyone and happy new year!

Just helping a friend of mine that wants to bring to life an Alps firebird gold version. The problem is that the components from the chassis are confusing…is has a motor, no battery compartment, or any reminiscence of cable remote control…also front lights (weird in a model like this) and, a copper energy collector with a mechanism that looks like, it will make the front wheels turn in some random pattern. WEIRD…any body has the pice and can upload a video of the car working? Thanx in advance for any help! 









Looks like the JAPAN was cut…And the metal plate added there…but the cut is so clean that looks factory made by a mold and a pressing machine. its a a rare pice at least for me, I’ve sen it before, but the insides are strange…




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