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Yonezawa Buzzer robot on ebay by TOY TENT…beware!

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Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I just want to check if I'm seeing things or if this robot is completely repainted and, quite poorly at that. You can see the Buzzer Robot sticker and buttons, as well as the porosity of the paint on the base, arms, and the entire body. Also, the color is not the original. The speaker grille is not perforated either. It says it works poorly, and it's clear that it's also poorly assembled. This seller, TOYTENT, already sold me a Laughing Robot that had a hole in the leg covered with a rubber patch that looked like part of the toy to an inexperienced eye... mine, many years ago. From what I see, TOYTENT is still up to their old tricks. Be careful when buying from this guy. Best regards to everyone! Roboloco.



My thoughts too Roboloco. The paint color for an authentic Buzzer Robot is silver-grey while the eBay robot's finish has a distinct bluish tint. The arms are definitely repainted as is the black base. The speaker is incorrect and it appears that decals may have been used for the upper chest plate graphics. Pictured below is a genuine example from Marco's website...



I just spotted him and his dodgy paint job, and was going to post on here to warn others (I hadn’t even noticed the sticker). This seller should know better!



I would never consider buying anything listed by ToyTent. 


I don't think I've ever had anything from ToyTent. You'd think if somebody went to this much trouble, they'd have been a little more careful with joining the yellow lines and making it work properly. If you don't examine it too close, it looks quite nice! Do you suppose that's a MR. ROBOT body with the paint polished off the joint pieces, or is it a modified DIRECTIONAL ROBOT? I think I have a couple of trashed Directionals in my supplies. I should make my own version. I shall name him, "IRRITATING NOISE MAN".


I also thought that this robot could be a mix between a directional robot and a Mr robot chest plate…just wanted to warn possible buyers.

Cheers everyone!


The last Buzzer must have just dropped off the completed listings, it was there at the end of March. There should also be a very small "Made in Japan" at the bottom of the red chestplate.


Don't ever entertain these tricksters. I've only had two dealings with them and they scammed me on both of them. The first was a space bubble gun with a completely made up fantasy box that they assured me was totally genuine. When it arrived it was obvious it was a laser copied box with their own added 'Space' artwork. The second was a foil sticker for the Ideal Batman utility belt. After I applied it, within days the black Bat logo had separated from the silver backing and the whole thing started to disintegrate. After contacting them Dan told me I must have damaged it myself or stored it in a damp or hot place. I'm not at all surprised they're still at it. Shop elsewhere.

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